クロード外伝 砂に眠る神話 The Sleeping Sand Legend
Interested in learning more about the legend of Macuil, one of the Four Saints, Claude ventures out across the territory of Margrave Edmund to the Sreng Region.
(書庫 昼)
Library | Daytime
クロード: ふうむ……。
Claude: Hm... Very interesting...
Choice 1: 何が興味深い? What's interesting?
Choice 2: 何を読んでいる? What are you reading?
クロード: ああ、それがな……って、先生!いつからそこにいたんだ?
Claude: Oh, Teach! How long have you been there? Don't sneak up on me like that! You almost gave me a heart attack. Anyway, I'm reading the official biography of the Four Saints, as sanctioned by the church. I know you're not very familiar with the teachings of Seiros, but even you must have read it at least once.
Choice 1: あるかも Maybe...
クロード: かもって……それでよく教団運営の士官学校で教師が務まったもんだよ。
Claude: Huh. I'm amazed you managed to get a job teaching at an academy run by the church.
Choice 2: ないかも I don't think so...
クロード: おいおい……それでよく教団運営の士官学校で教師が務まったもんだよ。
Claude: Tell me again... How exactly did you manage to get a job teaching at an academy run by the church?
クロード: せめて四聖人くらいは、ちゃんと覚えてるんだろうな?
Claude: Well, whether you've read the biography or not, the Four Saints must at least ring a bell, right? Well then, I've got a little quiz for you. Name the Four Saints, companions of the great Saint Seiros. I'll give you a hint. There was Cichol, Cethleann, Indech, and... who was the fourth one again?
Choice 1: マイクル Macile.
クロード: 残念、惜しいが不正解。正解はマ、ク、イ、ルだ。
Claude: Ooh, tough luck! That would be incorrect. The name you were looking for is "Macuil."
Choice 2: マクイル Macuil.
クロード: ご名答!流石にこれくらいは知ってたか。
Claude: Correct! I was hoping you'd know that much at least.
Choice 3: マイケル Maicul.
クロード: 残念、惜しいが不正解。正解はマ、ク、イ、ルだ。
Claude: Ooh, tough luck! That would be incorrect. The name you were looking for is "Macuil."
クロード: その聖マクイルの伝記を紐解くと、面白いことが書かれててな。
Claude: In any case, you can learn some interesting things reading about the life and times of Saint Macuil. For instance, he was more skilled with his hands than his fellow saints, and even became an accomplished blacksmith. He used his skills to forge countless sacred weapons for the army of Seiros. Of course, he didn't just forge weapons. He also used them in battle himself. Legends say his strength was second only to Seiros.
クロード: 解放王から邪王に堕ちたネメシスと戦ったタルティーン会戦でも活躍したらしいが……
Claude: It's even said that he played a big role in the Battle of Tailtean, where Seiros fought Nemesis, the King of Liberation who became the king of evil. Macuil lost his life in that battle, and now his body rests in a coffin within the Holy Mausoleum. Or so one story goes. Another legend says he set off on a journey to find a new land.
クロード: つまるところ、同盟領を抜けて、どこからか海に出たってわけだが……
Claude: That he left Fódlan from the east, crossed the sea, and vanished. He must have left Alliance territory, but where exactly would he have set sail from, I wonder?
Thinking about it reminds me of another interesting story concerning the Sreng Region.
The peninsula is attached to the mainland of Fódlan and extends from the northeastern part of Kingdom territory.
If you would set sail from Margrave Edmund's territory, you could cut cross a stretch of sea and land there.
クロード: で、そのスレンに、海を越えて現れた聖獣を祀る遺跡ってのがあるんだ。
Claude: And it just so happens that in the Sreng Region, there are ruins built to worship a sacred beast that appeared from across the sea.
If the ruins have something to do with Saint Macuil, there could be sacred weapons there...
So? Have I piqued your interest or what?
Choice 1: 少しなら…… Maybe a little.
Choice 2: あまり…… Not really.
クロード: 冷めてんなあ。強力な武器が手に入れば、これからの戦いも有利になるんだぞ?
Claude: You always have to play it cool, don't you? Just think of how useful it would be to have weapons like that!
Not to mention that the peninsula would be pretty easy to get to about now, seeing as how Alliance territory has settled down a bit.
We'd be there and back in no time. No one would even notice we were gone. Come on, Teach! Let's go to the Sreng Region!
Choice 1: 行ってみよう(外伝戦闘へ) Let's go. (Begin Paralogue battle)
クロード: 思い立ったら即、行動だ。俺が爺さんになる前に支度を終わらせろよ?
Claude: I always see it through once I set my mind on something. Let's make the necessary preparations before I die of curiosity.
Choice 2: 考えさせて(準備に戻る) Let me think about it. (Return to previous screen)
クロード: ま、少しなら待つこともできる。俺が爺さんになる前に決断してくれよ?
Claude: I guess I can wait...just a while. But make sure you decide before I die of curiosity, OK?
before I die of curiosity 俺が好奇心で死ぬ前にyupeco.icon
クロード: あそこが例の遺跡だが……どうやらのんびり発掘調査を楽しむ余裕はなさそうだなあ。
Claude: There are the ruins... It looks like we're not gonna have the luxury of an excavation. Look. I bet those are the watchmen of the ruins, and that they've been ordered to keep out intruders. And that big beast... I hear they call it The Wind Caller.
風を呼ぶもの: 盗人ども、我を倒すことができれば、秘宝をくれてやろうぞ……。
The Wind Caller: Thieves... Only by defeating me can you claim the secret treasure!
クロード: うわ、喋った!?あいつは、いったい……
Claude: Argh! It speaks! What is it?!
盗賊: ……な、何なんだよ、お前ら!少しお宝盗んだくらいで襲ってくんなよ!
Thief: Huh? Who are you? I'm just here for a bit of treasure! Don't attack me!
クロード: おっと、先客……どうやら遺跡荒らしの一団か。
Claude: Someone got here first... Must be a band of looters. We can't let them get the treasure! Guess their luck's about to run out.
vs 盗賊(レイピア)
盗賊: このお宝を持って帰らねえと、お頭に怒られちまうんだよお……!
Thief: If I don't get this treasure back, the boss is gonna be really angry with me!
盗賊: 盗賊なんかになるんじゃなかった……
Thief: I should never have become a thief...
vs 盗賊(聖水)
盗賊: 折角、見つけたお宝だ!お前なんかに、やらねえよ!
Thief: After all the trouble we went through to get this treasure, I'm not gonna let you get your hands on it!
盗賊: くそ……この盗人め……
Thief: Gah... Those thieves...
vs 盗賊(特効薬)
盗賊: て、てめえ!お宝を横取りする気か!?
Thief: You're not trying to take this treasure from me, are you?
盗賊: そのお宝で……、金持ちになれると思ったのによう……
Thief: The treasure... I thought it would make me rich...
vs 盗賊頭
盗賊頭: な、何だ、お前らも同業者か!?ここのお宝は渡さねえぞ!!
Thief Leader: Huh? Are you looting too? Well, I'm not letting you have this treasure!
盗賊頭: ちきしょう……俺のお宝が……。
Thief Leader: No! That's my treasure...
vs 風を呼ぶもの
風を呼ぶもの: 魔道の起源たる力、とくと味わうがいい……!
風を呼ぶもの: いたずらに足を踏み入れた者よ。逃げ帰るなら今だ。
The Wind Caller: You have had your fun. If you are going to flee, now is your chance. If you are not going to flee... I shall take your life as payment!
主人公 vs 風を呼ぶもの
風を呼ぶもの: ほう……我が同胞を目にするのは、数百年ぶり……いや、千年ぶりか……?
The Wind Caller: Hmmm... Those who stand before me... How long has it been? Hundreds of years? Thousands? You have the stink of Sothis upon you... Let us find out whether you share her power.
クロード vs 風を呼ぶもの
風を呼ぶもの: 憎き十傑の匂い……。汝、何者だ。
The Wind Caller: I smell those detestable 10 Elites... Who are you?
クロード: 十傑リーガンの孫の孫のそのまた孫の……。それより、あんたこそ何者なんだ?
Claude: I'm the grandson of the grandson of the grandson of the elite Riegan. Now tell me who you are!
風を呼ぶもの: 我は、汝らの敵よ。十傑の血筋ならば生かしては帰せぬな。
The Wind Caller: I am your family's enemy. If you carry the blood of the 10 Elites, you cannot be permitted to live.
クロード: 敵ってどういうことだよ?それに、あんたの額にある紋章は……
Claude: What do you mean by that? And what's that Crest on your forehead?
風を呼ぶもの: 話は終わりだ。生き延びたくば、我を圧倒せよ!
The Wind Caller: No more talk. If you wish to survive, you must destroy me!
セテス vs 風を呼ぶもの
風を呼ぶもの: ……あの者らは、うぬの仲間か?
The Wind Caller: Are these your companions?
セテス: そうだ。今、共に戦っている。セイロスが危うい状況にあってな。
Seteth: They are indeed. I should tell you that Seiros is in a precarious state right now.
風を呼ぶもの: ……手は貸さぬぞ。人の世に嫌気がさして隠棲したのだ。今更戦争なぞ虫唾が走る。
The Wind Caller: I will not assist you. I have lived apart from the world of man, which disgusts me Sothis war disgusts me also.
disgust 2回に違和感 Sothis war ⇒ So this war ???
セテス: そう言うだろうとは思っていた。惜しいが……それも仕方あるまい。
Seteth: I thought you might say as much. This is regrettable.
フレン vs 風を呼ぶもの
風を呼ぶもの: ほう、懐かしい顔だ。まったく変わらんな、セス……
The Wind Caller: Ah, that face takes me back in time... You have not changed one bit, Ceth-
フレン: しーっ!おじさま、しーっですわよ!
Flayn: I ask that you keep quiet, Uncle!
風を呼ぶもの: 何を焦っているのだ、セスリ……
The Wind Caller: Why the rush, Ceth-
フレン: しーっ!おじさま、しーっなんですのよ!
Flayn: Shh! Please keep quiet, Uncle!
風を呼ぶもの: ………………。
The Wind Caller: ...
クロード: 動きが止まったぞ……!死んだのか?
Claude: It stopped moving... It is dead?
風を呼ぶもの: ……ぐう。
The Wind Caller: Zzz...
After Battle
クロード: いや……寝ちまっただけみたいだ……。
Claude: No... It seems it's just sleeping... I thought we were supposed to be given the treasure, but... Forget it. I'll just have a look around there. What about this thing? Huh. I'll think about it later.
(玄関ホール 昼)
Entrance Hall | Daytime
クロード: 先生、ご苦労さん。悪かったな、付き合わせちまって。
Claude: Thanks for all your hard work, Teach. Sorry for dragging you along with me. I had no idea it would turn into a fight. But hey, at least we got some treasure out of it. I'll leave this in your capable hands. Do with it as you will.
Choice 1: なぜ自分に? Why me?
クロード: 仲間のことは、俺より先生のほうが理解してるだろ?
Claude: You know our friends even better than I do.
Choice 2: 山分けじゃなくていい? Why don't we share it?
クロード: 山分けって、それをどう分けるんだ?
Claude: How would we do that?
クロード: それに、正直な話、別にお宝目当てであの場所に行ったわけじゃないんだ。
Claude: Give it to whoever you think it'll suit best. More importantly, I didn't go there looking for treasure. Not really.
Legends about the saints abound. It's hard to tell fact from fiction.
I like to confirm whatever I can, with my own eyes, to find the truth in those legends.
Byleth: 何かわかった? What did you find out?
クロード: いや、それがさっぱり……。
Claude: Not a thing. We didn't find anything concrete to prove that Saint Macuil had been there. We can't say for certain that the treasure we found was Macuil's either. I do wish we could have spoken to that Wind Caller a bit more.
Byleth: あれが聖マクイルかも Could it have been Saint Macuil?
クロード: おいおい、マクイルってのは千年以上も前の聖人だぞ?
Claude: Ha! Unlikely. Macuil lived thousands of years ago. And I've never heard anything about the saints being monsters like that. Wait a minute... Could The Wind Caller have anything to do with the Immaculate One? The Immaculate One is a monster sent by the goddess... Could The Wind Caller be... Where was it that I heard that stuff about them having been sent by the goddess... Ugh, maybe I'm too tired. My head is heavy and I can't think straight anymore. Let's call it a day for now. I've got plenty of time to think this over.